We Know How to Play Golf Year Round

Even in the summer months, there’s no promise conditions will be sunny and still enough for a game of golf. Mini Indoor Golf came up with a solution. Golf enthusiasts can stay indoors to go through all the same motions of golf – sans the actual physical activity – with Mini Indoor Golf’s handheld game.

But no one can really know how fun the game is, unless they know it exists. Which is when (amp) was introduced to the Indianapolis-based company to increase product awareness and help drive conversions.


Rainy Days Don’t Ruin the Game

The game was fun. And people were interested. But Mini Indoor Golf wanted to get eyes from their already populated social channels to their website, especially during the holiday season.

(amp) developed strategies to get people clicking through social media channels and through influencer pages to their e-commerce page.


And It Worked

Our first swing at it received 78,114 clicks from Mini Indoor Golf’s social media channels.

But the ROI was even more impressive. During our campaign, there was an 80 percent increase in Black Friday sales from the previous year, and an overall 30 percent increase in holiday sales, YOY.


Overall sales


Sales increase from their 2015 Black Friday sales

Based on the success from the initial partnership, Mini Indoor Golf asked us to partner with them again for the holiday season.

Golf Game Influencers

In addition to continuing targeted content, we introduced some new faces to the client’s social strategy – influencers – and supported their content with paid media to drive conversions.

The primary indicator of success for the campaign was tracking sales based on promotional codes associated on each influencer’s channels.


Organically, the partnership reached more than 3.7 million Instagram users - 85% above our guaranteed reach. The influencer marketing program attributed 17% of holiday sales and accounted for a quarter of total sales on the site.


228,648 Link clicks

Over 4.7 million Impressions

Over 3 million Engagements

Not only did we get Mini Indoor Golf the results they were looking for, but we were able to “practice” our golf game in the process.